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Bibliography of useful works on Gender and Mentoring

Blau, Francine, Currie, Janet, Croson, Rachel, Ginther, Donna, "Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial.” American Economic Review (May 2010): pp. 348-352.

Boyle, P., & Boice, B. “Systematic mentoring from new faculty teachers and graduate teaching assistants.” Innovative Higher Education, 22(3), 157-179, 1998.

Daniell, Ellen, Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists. Yale University Press, 2008.a

Karukstis, Kerry, Gourley, Bridget, Wright, Laura, and Rossi, Miriam (co-PIs). NSF PAID-ADVANCE initiative, “Horizontal Mentoring Alliances to Enhance the Academic Careers of Senior Women Scientists at Liberal Arts Institutions,” 2006.

Nolan, Susan, Buckner, Janine, Marzabadi, Cecilia, Kuck, Valerie. “Training and Mentoring of Chemists: A Study of Gender Disparity,” Sex Roles 58: 235-250, 2008.