We are proud to announce 152 (and counting) people have registered for AAPT eAlliances!
Blau, Francine, Currie, Janet, Croson, Rachel, Ginther, Donna "Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Profesors? Interim Results from a Randomized Trial.” American Economic Review. 100(2), pp. 348-52, 2010.
Boyle, P., & Boice, B., “Systematic mentoring from new faculty teachers and graduate teaching assistants,” Innovative Higher Education, 22(3), 157-179.
Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP), Gender equity: Strengthening the physics enterprise in universities and national laboratories. http://aps.org/programs/women/workshops/gender-equity/upload/genderequity.pdf
Cox, Anne J., Blaha, Cindy, Fritz, Linda, and Whitten, Barbara. “For Female Physicists, Peer Mentoring Can Combat Isolation,” Scientific American blog, 2014. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/for-female-physicists-peer-mentoring-can-combat-isolation/
Daniell, Ellen, Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists. Yale University Press, 2008.
Karukstis, Kerry, Gourley, Bridget, Wright, Laura, and Rossi, Miriam (co-PIs). (2006). NSF PAID-ADVANCE initiative, “Horizontal Mentoring Alliances to Enhance the Academic Careers of Senior Women Scientists at Liberal Arts Institutions.”
Nolan, Susan, Buckner, Janine, Marzabadi, Cecilia, Kuck, Valerie,“Training and Mentoring of Chemists: A Study of Gender Disparity,” Sex Roles 58: 235-250.
Pollack, Eileen, The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boys Club, Beacon Press, 2015.
Wennerås, Christine, and Agnes Wold, “Nepotism and Sexism in Peer Review,” Nature 387: 341-343.